Create first and default plan
You'll find all the steps you need to create a default plan. Note that you will be able to create other plans directly from your admin dashboard.
Last updated
You'll find all the steps you need to create a default plan. Note that you will be able to create other plans directly from your admin dashboard.
Last updated
By default, a plan is created, but you can modify it and/or create your own plans.
To create the first plan, you must first create a product (one-time payment or subscription) from stripe dashboard where you will retrieve the price_id
Use your DB manager to manually insert an item in the Plan table by adding stripe price_id to the stripePlanId field.
Your plan can have as type 'monthly' or 'annually' or 'onetime'.
Here's Plan data example:
Get your plan id et define it as the default plan in the signup.component.ts file.
Set the default plan Id in .env
If everything's ok, congratulations on creating your first plan.